Sono svedese, ma mi laureerò in medicina nel Regno Unito. Ho iniziato la mia laurea nel 2019 e, da quanto ho capito dalle informazioni sull’helsedirektoratet, ciò significa che mi candiderei come laureato UE (a causa dell’accordo transitorio,–united-kingdom). In base alle informazioni che ho letto, sembra anche che le mie qualifiche svedesi siano sufficienti per consentirmi di lavorare come medico in Norvegia. Quindi la mia domanda è: quanto è difficile trovare un lavoro in Norvegia come medico dopo aver completato la formazione di base (credo sia l’equivalente di turnuslege) nel Regno Unito, e discriminano i laureati in medicina non norvegesi? È difficile accedere alla formazione di specializzazione?


Working as a doctor in Norway?
byu/Objective_Author3110 inNorway

di Objective_Author3110


  1. soft_quartz on

    Hey OP. Just wanted to say that if you don’t get enough replies here. Post in Swedish in /r/norway. Way more doctors there than here 🙂

    Btw, are you sure it’s LIS-1 and not turnuslege you mean? 🙂

  2. TheHillsAreBees on

    This is just based on people I know.

    I do not work in a medical field, but the majority of the friends I have who work there (nurses, doctors, etc) are not originally from Norway. I have heard multiple times that Norway has a big need for more nurses and doctors, so that probably helps your chances.

    You will need to know the norwegian language. An anecdote I was told by a nurse here was they needed a minimum of a B2 qualification in norwegian, but that the hospital was so desperate for people, they let him start with B1 and study for B2. Swedish is very similar, how do you rate your norwegian skills?

  3. IncredibleCamel on

    It’s quite easy to get a job, but there’s high competition in the bigger cities. If you’re willing to go to a hospital in the far north, you’re almost guaranteed work.

  4. Leading_Educator4564 on

    Get in touch with Helsedirektoratet directly, by mail. They are required by law to give you an answer and guidance.

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