Pazzesca perdita di pacchetti (o latenza) a Skopje. I giochi online sono ingiocabili. Sto usando Telekabel (tramite T-mobile Fiber 1 Gigabit cablato). CS2, Apex Legends, Discord si disconnettono ogni 30 secondi. I miei cavi di rete e router funzionano bene. Telekabel non riesce a risolvere il problema. È normale a Skopje?
di adilakif
Every day VMRO is in power ping increases for 1ms
Not really? Not sure what the issue could be, but that’s not really normal.
Telekabel is shit provider. Try disconnect your router for about 5 mins, then plug it in again, i have similar issues with tk.
WiFi is incredibly shit today for some reason, if I had to guess it’s everyone coming back from vacation.