Sono all’IKEA in Australia! È un dolce svedese autentico? È delizioso!

di brusselsproud


  1. Tankeverket on

    Yes! We call them “dammsugare” (vacuum cleaner) because they’re shaped like old-time vacuum cleaners.

    One of my personal favourites

  2. BigSnackStove on

    Fy fan vad jag hade kunnat klämma ett par sånna just nu

  3. Sashamesic on

    Had one yesterday, they are even better if you have it together with a cup of coffee.

  4. timpakay on

    Yeah it’s one of my two go tos. I like the other one, Arraksboll, more.

    Arrak is what is used for flavour in them (the more common Swedish variant called Punsch is basically Arrak watered down to 25% with sugar added).

  5. TheRealFleppo on

    Yes, they are made with the leftovers on the floor from the bakery

  6. swedething on

    Swedish classic for fika, and the ones from ikea are really good!!!

  7. Tidsresenarinna on

    Yup, It’s a dammsugare and those are pretty damn sugary am I right?

    I’m sorry

  8. Traditional_Fee_1965 on

    Ah dammsugare, one of my absolute favorites. Quality can vary a lot, so unsure how the ikea variant taste though.

  9. progrethth on

    Yeah, they are very authentic and common. Called punschrullar (punsch rolls) or dammsugare (vacuum cleaners). Traditionally the filling is made from various cookie crumb leftovers at the bakery with some added butter, cacao and punsch (a Swedish arrak based liqueur) but the IKEA ones are probably using a recipe more suitable for mass production.

  10. Among a certain flavor of nerds they are called the 150 Ohm. Because brown green brown.

  11. theexpanding on

    Pretty authentic. Among the most common Swedish “fika” (coffee snack) in Sweden. There are multiple brands in different price categories in every grocery store. But it’s not even close to grandmas home made dammsugare. That is what I call Swedish fika at its finest

  12. Crispy291 on

    Original name is punschrulle (the liqeur punsch is used in the recipe) gets a nickname Dammsugare (vacuum cleaner) because it looks like an old vacuum cleaner from the 80’s

  13. Respaced on

    It is Yummy! While the IKEA version is okaaay… getting a fresh one from a local bakery can be heavenly good. Depends on the bakery.

  14. Fluchbyrdz on

    You better grab one from a fine “konditori” instead. IKEAS is kind of the lowest quality on the scale. Still good, but yeah…fresh is best! =)

  15. WhisperingHammer on

    It is to the bakery version as the bigmac is to a bbq lovers homemade burger 😀

    But sure, it works. 😀

  16. Entire_Car_3683 on

    You can even find them in different colours like for example pink instead of green

  17. neejagtrorintedet on

    This is one of my favs.. but you should try the upgraded version! Arraksboll!

  18. Entire_Speaker_3784 on

    “Dammsugare” or “Vacuum Cleaners”, as many have mentioned, is a beloved nickname for these treats.

    The proper name, however, is “Punsch Rulle” or “Punsch-Roll”.

    Google will prove as much. 👍

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