Conosci esempi di parole slovene che in croato hanno esattamente lo stesso aspetto, ma vengono pronunciate in modo diverso nonostante abbiano la stessa grafia?

di Old_North8419


  1. Peculiar_Variation on

    Honestly, for a lot of us, any Slovene word is a Croatian word if you pronouce it Croatian-ly.

  2. lilputsy on

    No. Why do you keep asking such weird questions that make no sense?

  3. Breskvich on

    You have some words that are written the same, pronounced the same, but mean different thing.

  4. Bartalmay on

    I have a word doc saved somewhere with all similar/same words. I helped a friend who needed it for some croatian ad shooting.

  5. cewap1899 on

    You don’t need to take Slovenian and Croatian, just take dialects. Take sladoled for example. Depending on which part of Slovenia you’re from you can pronounce it sládoled or sladoléd.

  6. lingeringneutrophil on

    Chinese and Japanese kanji have completely different origin historically. Japanese didn’t have an “alphabet” in the 6th century so effectively, Chinese characters were implanted into Japan as a source for codifying the language (namely for religious purposes), but it’s an artificial move with no link to the natural evolution of the language.

    Contrary to that, the Slavic languages share an old Slavic source “proto-Slavic” from which they all naturally evolved in respective countries.

    So it would be extremely unlikely that you would write the same word in two adjacent languages to pronounce it wholly differently

  7. There are many words that are spelled the same, I guess at least 15% but almost all of them are pronounced at least a bit differently. If you count also words that are spelled similarly, it’s over 50% for sure.

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