Prima di porre la mia domanda, porgo le mie condoglianze a tutti coloro che sono stati colpiti dall’attacco di Solingen. Nella foto, si vede il sospettato mentre viene portato via. Di quale unità di polizia si tratta? Gli ufficiali sembrano pesantemente armati e imponenti. Il sospettato indossa degli occhiali per impedirgli di vedere? Inoltre, cosa sono quelle cinghie?
di Haari1
Looks like [GSG 9](
Damn, last decade there was the rise of knife terrorism in Israel, I hope it doesn’t end up being the same in Germany..
It’s seems that he is waring glases to protect his eyes from dirt/grass, that is flying around because of the helicopter. He also wears a hearing protection, because helicopters are very loud. He can’t protect his eyes/ears, because he is handcuffed. So the police has to make sure that he does not get injured.
Edit: Those straps are chains around his ancles, which are also around his waist. Chains connect his handcuffs with the chains around his feet and the one around his waist. So he can only do small steps (and not run) and he also can’t lift his hands/arms or strech them out. That’s why he needs the glases/hearing protection.