Io (non svedese) sono andato a Malmö l’anno scorso a fine agosto e ho trovato questo video d’archivio che ho registrato. Qualcuno può spiegarmi cosa stanno facendo queste persone?

di EccentricRosie


  1. Needatwix7438 on

    Uuuh what did I just see?

    Maybe it’s just a live art installation. Human merry go round kinda thing?

  2. armandur on

    This looks like it could be part of an “initiation”/”hazing”, (nollning in Swedish) for Highschool.

  3. Threaditoriale on

    Initiations, probably for students of University of Malmö.

  4. Espressodimare on

    Is that ketchup at the end? I’m glad I never attended anything like this.

  5. Alariken on

    Don’t worry. It’s our annual Swedish human centipede. It’s all good and fun in the end (pun intended). Please enjoy our country.

  6. Efraim_Longstocking on

    This is most likely a “nollning” that most people write here. Usually done the week before school(university) start. It is made for the new students to get to know each other and build friendships with each other. The method behind it is that older students should have authority and give the students tasks that usually is embarrassing and group them together. By doing this the new students start to build a grudge against the older students and therefore get together as a team working together. Lots of parties and good times.

    Great way to get new friends after moving to the other side of the country with not knowing anyone beforehand.

  7. Enfoting on

    Contrary to most others I think this is initiation for a high school, most university’s have stopped with humiliation, it’s still a large problem in high schools.

    I was a university student at Uppsala and didn’t hear about anything near this degree of humiliation.

  8. teslastellar on

    They’re having an orgie as part of their university initiation.

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