1. pride_of_artaxias on

    >Վերջին մոտ 20 տարիներին Հայաստանում մահերը 11%-ով ավելացել է։

    Ահավոր է։

  2. lmsoa941 on

    It’s not that awful. However, this just shows the lack of preventative measures taken by the Armenian government. The fact that we also still have diabetes deaths is weird. Lack of access to medical supplies like Insulin, and no doctor in the vicinity of the people might be another cause.

    Some people might be living with disease and wouldn’t know about it since visiting a doctor is too expensive, or too far away

  3. obikofix on

    My family is all doctors. You wouldn’t believe how bad people treat themselves. Like dude, you need urgent treatment, ահհհհ, տանձիս չի, նորմալա։ And then suddenly they bring him over by emergency and demand to cure him like it’s some GTA game cheats

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