Solo FU

di collwen


  1. Hotchocoboom on

    Happens pretty often, even when the train is already completely packed. But the part that would annoy me even more is the casually lying their stupid feet on top. If you have too much luggage to sit… well.. then just stand with your shit like the other people have to do thanks to you.

  2. ryhntyntyn on

    It’s Germany. Just ask them to move their stuff and their feet. They have to. I get that it’s a bit inconvenient, but if you don’t ask, you must not want the seat, and if you don’t want it enough, what’s the problem?

  3. True chads ask them to move their feet, then sit infront of them, open a can of beer and stare at them for the whole ride.

  4. KitchenError on

    Devils advocate: When they sat down and started to sleep the train was almost certainly not crowded. If they are really sleeping like you suggest in your other comment, I find it a bit unfair to be that harsh as a sleeping person obviously won’t notice that the situation has changed. So wake them up and ask them to free up the space?

    Wondering if this is a bot post in the first place though. The image is mirrored horizontally, a common trick by Bots so that the stolen images are not detected as easily.

  5. noob-teammate on

    honestly whats more mindboggingly annoying to me than people who do this, are insecure little internet warriors that post pics and outraged complaints about things like that on reddit instead of just using their fucking words like an adult and just saying something about it to the person who does this.

  6. Oh, I’d stand right next to the person.

    Like, not completely in their face but just close enough that they might want to check every so often.

  7. SchlumpfenJaeger on

    only the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    use your words.

  8. fortytwoandsix on

    guess it’s ok if person bought and reserved 4 seats

  9. Morganianum on

    Yes, this is not a person who can think along. But you dont have to be passiv aggressiv, just say something.

  10. SnooCakes1148 on

    Take photo of her feet with flash. Pretty sure she will move the quick

  11. Teacher2teens on

    Besides there is no right to transport luggage in crowded trains. Beförderungs Bedingungen says that. So they can use a ups for luggage. But ppl are going fast aggressive if you insist to sit. Crowded trains are often stopped for overcrowded waggon, so either people sit or trains will be delayed.

  12. OkDust621 on

    If you aren’t going to say anything to the person or resolve the situation in another manner, don’t be passive-aggressive and post on the internet. It’s very cowardly. If you want someone to respect a public space, this badly you should have the guts to let them know.

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