Regarding the animals, each quarter in the old city centre has a mammal assigned to it. It’s just something that was considered cool in the early 1800s. If you go further out from the center, quarters have birds, fish and plants assigned to them, but they’re not shown on the buildings that I know of.
Quukkeli on
The city blocks of Helsinki used to be named after animals as in Stockholm. These names fell out of use over the course of the 20th century, but the local entrepreneurs brought them back as their marketing gimmick in 1995. [Helsingin korttelit – Wikipedia](
Upbeat_Support_541 on
When I was a kid I was told that was where 25 longitude runs, but after fact checking myself that it further out to the east. TIL
Bithyania tentaculata is a kind of a snail.
Regarding the animals, each quarter in the old city centre has a mammal assigned to it. It’s just something that was considered cool in the early 1800s. If you go further out from the center, quarters have birds, fish and plants assigned to them, but they’re not shown on the buildings that I know of.
The city blocks of Helsinki used to be named after animals as in Stockholm. These names fell out of use over the course of the 20th century, but the local entrepreneurs brought them back as their marketing gimmick in 1995. [Helsingin korttelit – Wikipedia](
When I was a kid I was told that was where 25 longitude runs, but after fact checking myself that it further out to the east. TIL