L’ANP mantiene segreto il pagamento dei pacchi del Black Friday ai detenuti impiegati da Sameday. Il penitenziario di Rahova trattiene il 60% delle entrate totali
Un altro giorno, un altro ostaggio. Turista giapponese accusato di spionaggio arrestato in Bielorussia. https://v.redd.it/4v813mxatxmd1 di rootoperator
True_Area_4806 on 05/09/2024 06:56 Just wondering if he was asking here if it is safe to go to Belarus recently?
Remarkable_Maybe_953 on 05/09/2024 07:55 This is so ridiculous and stupid. Do they really think that people are such idiots?
Just wondering if he was asking here if it is safe to go to Belarus recently?
lol peoples spying skills are fucking terrible.
Japanese want to stole potatos!!
This is so ridiculous and stupid. Do they really think that people are such idiots?