È davvero così che appare il confine russo-lituano nel delta del Nemunas oppure si tratta di un errore di Google Maps?


di Hadar_91


  1. Hadar_91 on

    If this border is correct then what is the historical justification of splitting that island and Russia having small strip around 100m x 20m on the Lithuanian side of Nemunas?

  2. Tall-Lawyer5491 on

    The delta is very wet, so these islands probably come and go with the changing delta and the border was set using straight lines between predefined points.

    This border feature does not affect Lithuania using Nemunas as there is Atmata part of Nemunas that splits in the delta further up in the north.

  3. LowEquivalent6491 on

    I think the riverbed is constantly changing. The islands of the delta are constantly flooded or are swampy.

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