Che simbolo è questo spillo? Acquistato in un negozio dell’usato in Svezia.

di StanFranXisco


  1. It’s a round symbol with a yellow crown and two spears on a blue background.

  2. picminfuckface on

    Crossed fasces, the axes, are often used for police or military police in sweden. Just do a google image search.

  3. TheHague1862 on

    The Swedish military police coat of arms is two crossed fasces in front of a blue shield with a crown over it. However, it also features a vertical sword though the pin could be a simplified version.

  4. It’s two crossed Fasces with axes are symbols for the Police in Sweden. This looks like a simplified Police emblem.

  5. Redditim3 on

    My first thought when seeing those axes is military police, as they look pretty much identical to their insignia. Google ”militärpolis utbildningstecken” and maybe you’ll find something.

  6. middlemanagment on

    Nåt sim-märke kanske ?!? … Simborgarmärke var min spontana reaktion..

  7. MountainOutside1742 on

    Those axes are a sign of the Swedish police but I’m unsure if the pin has anything to do with that.

  8. Target880 on

    That is not spears but fasces, bound sticks or rods with an axe inserted or tired to it.

    It has been a symbol for the king/govment to punish subject since the Etruscan civilization and it was adopted by the roman empire and continue to be used to this day. It is more used to representation of magisterial power, law, and governance today. The Italian Fascists took their name from it and fascism is derived from their name.

    In Sweden, it is used in the Police and you can see it in the coar of Arms []( the military police have the same symbol with a sword [](

    I could not find in a quick online search what exactly it is for but it is very likely something police related

  9. Mr_Hjort on

    Might be an old police pin, they have similar symbols in their Coat of arms.

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