La famiglia Appeltans è colpevole di proprietà terriera e affitto di baraccopoli: multa di milioni di dollari e condanna effettiva a 40 mesi di carcere
La famiglia Appeltans è colpevole di proprietà terriera e affitto di baraccopoli: multa di milioni di dollari e condanna effettiva a 40 mesi di carcere
>**The infamous landlords Arnold and Manu Appeltans have been convicted of slum landlords** in 6 homes and slum rental of 24 homes. Both were sentenced to 40 months in prison and each fined almost 2 million euros. According to the court, they took advantage of people in a vulnerable position and sought an “abnormal profit”. 24 of the homes they rented were also in poor condition, the judge ruled.
>**This sum amounts to a conviction of 40 months in prison and a fine of 1.92 million euros for both father Arnold and son Manu Appeltans. 6 properties were confiscated, as well as the income they earned through slum landlords and slum rentals.**
>**The relatives must compensate the victims, mainly tenants. For father and mother Appeltans this amounts to almost 700,000 euros. The son must also pay the same amount to the victims.** More than 200,000 euros will be donated to the victims from Arlimo, the family’s company.
>**Arnold’s wife received a 1-year suspended prison sentence and, like her husband, is deprived of her rights for 5 years. Her fine is almost 800,000 euros. Arlimo SA must pay a fine of 1,560,000.** The fifth defendant, the landlord’s handyman, was acquitted.
>As the trial shows, **not only students were victims of the Appeltans family, people in vulnerable situations such as refugees and asylum seekers were also victims**. For example, Khaled Derki, a Syrian refugee, testified about his 7 months in an Appeltans studio.
cptflowerhomo on
How many times until all their premises are taken off them?? I lived in one of his slum houses and he still owes me money.
He was in jail when I moved in, in 2017-2018. He harassed me and my friend because we spoke with journalists about what he did to us.
>**The infamous landlords Arnold and Manu Appeltans have been convicted of slum landlords** in 6 homes and slum rental of 24 homes. Both were sentenced to 40 months in prison and each fined almost 2 million euros. According to the court, they took advantage of people in a vulnerable position and sought an “abnormal profit”. 24 of the homes they rented were also in poor condition, the judge ruled.
>**This sum amounts to a conviction of 40 months in prison and a fine of 1.92 million euros for both father Arnold and son Manu Appeltans. 6 properties were confiscated, as well as the income they earned through slum landlords and slum rentals.**
>**The relatives must compensate the victims, mainly tenants. For father and mother Appeltans this amounts to almost 700,000 euros. The son must also pay the same amount to the victims.** More than 200,000 euros will be donated to the victims from Arlimo, the family’s company.
>**Arnold’s wife received a 1-year suspended prison sentence and, like her husband, is deprived of her rights for 5 years. Her fine is almost 800,000 euros. Arlimo SA must pay a fine of 1,560,000.** The fifth defendant, the landlord’s handyman, was acquitted.
>As the trial shows, **not only students were victims of the Appeltans family, people in vulnerable situations such as refugees and asylum seekers were also victims**. For example, Khaled Derki, a Syrian refugee, testified about his 7 months in an Appeltans studio.
How many times until all their premises are taken off them?? I lived in one of his slum houses and he still owes me money.
He was in jail when I moved in, in 2017-2018. He harassed me and my friend because we spoke with journalists about what he did to us.
Ugh. Leuven never moved a finger for any of us.