Ecco come appare l’avvocato Juraś Zianković dopo 3 anni di carcere in Bielorussia

di HallOwn1946


  1. AddictedToRugs on

    That’s one in the eye for Fat Acceptance types who say weight is all genetic.

  2. 190cm_Lietuvis on

    they kept him on the Auschwitz diet for the whole 3 years

  3. limpek2882 on

    Genuine question.. What fitness regime they use in the prison.. Look much healthier and fitter

  4. Lavallin on

    “How he looks”


    “What he looks like”

    But both at the same time is incorrect (although extremely and understandably common among speakers of English as a second language).

  5. Dear_Mechanic3465 on

    So it seems that is pretty dangerous to be skinny nowdays…

  6. D1nkcool on

    Wow I didn’t know Belarus gave Ozempic to their prisoners

  7. sapitonmix on

    No worries. Let’s trade with Russia and Belarus even more, that will help.

  8. Complot667 on

    The average waiter before/after summer season here in Spain.

  9. Mirelurkbobblehead on

    Goodguy warden helped him loose a lot of weight so he might live longer /s

  10. paudie46 on

    He was offered three meals a day but it was Belarusian food 🤷‍♀️

  11. StephaneiAarhus on

    Pretty soon, Belarus is selling its new diet to rockstars.

  12. minkey-on-the-loose on

    Belarus: 1 star rating out of 5 stars. Never going back.

  13. Sagaincolours on

    Has he gotten out? Or why is there footage of him? He was sentenced to 11 years for “plotting against the state”.

    Did your by the way know that he has double citizenship, the other being American?

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