Un pervertito afferma di “avere prurito al sedere” dopo che gli insegnanti lo hanno trovato in un cespuglio fuori da una scuola elementare nel sud di Londra


di Empty_Sherbet96


  1. socratic-meth on

    “He was charged with exposure at the magistrates, but the offence was amended to outraging public decency, a less serious offence, when he arrived at the crown court.”

    Good job lads, let’s go easy on the “meth addict sex pest” trying to expose themselves to primary school children.

  2. Plenty of people willing to sort that itchy bum problem for him in prison, if only our justice system didn’t only punish those who commit crimes in which wealthy people or the state lose money.

  3. Shazalamadingdong on

    Judge said he was a risk to the public, given his list of previous offences, then sends him down for a total of….. 27 fucking weeks.


  4. Tartan_Samurai on

    *The staff members called police, who later found the 40-year-old armed with an underwear magazine and a needle containing crystal meth. Jannati said he had plans to masturbate, aided by the panty mag.*

    The best laid plans of methheads and men…

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