Amazon afferma di aver investito oltre 22 miliardi di euro in Irlanda

di ApresMatch


  1. Substantial-Dust4417 on

    …since 2004. Headline makes it look like this was a single recent investment.

  2. RustyShack3lford on

    Someone jealous about apple getting all the attention!?

  3. _sonisalsonamedBort on

    And how much was the return on that investment 🤔

  4. mightymunster1 on

    And we still don’t even have an Irish website to order from.

  5. Toffeeman_1878 on

    That word is invested. Not donated. There is a return on investment. Most of which will go to…let me think…

  6. External-Chemical-71 on

    What do they want? A round of applause? I “invested” in stuff that directly benefitted me and me alone too like degrees and professional courses. Did some companies and the state via increased taxes benefit from that too? Absolutely. But I couldn’t give a shit about that. I did it so I could make more money.

    Obviously there is a significant profit to be made over and above that €22 billion investment or one of the worlds known most miserly companies wouldn’t be here at all. If there was a more attractive option for them they’d be off in a shot.

  7. Tactical_Laser_Bream on

    The Amazon spokesbot on RTÉ this morning was a sickening waffler. Wouldn’t comment on the Apple tax or emissions output, just scuttering on about how great it would be that we could more easily buy their junk.

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