Per la cronaca, l’allarme non è mio.

Questo biglietto è stato lasciato all’ingresso del mio condominio. Tutti noi diamo per scontato che provenga dai nostri vicini del piano di sotto, che potrei aggiungere si lamentano continuamente del rumore. Anche se viviamo vicino a locali notturni e bar, come ci si aspetterebbe, ogni giorno c’è molto rumore. È qualcosa di cui siamo tutti consapevoli, e lo eravamo anche prima di trasferirci qui. Gli altri miei vicini si sono lamentati con noi, del fatto che i vicini del piano di sotto (internazionali) hanno uno strano comportamento nei confronti degli altri residenti del condominio. Non salutano, ci chiudono la porta d’ingresso principale in faccia, bussano alla porta nel cuore della notte, chiedendo se il rumore proviene da casa nostra anche se non è così. Di recente si è verificata una situazione mentre avevamo ospiti, in cui all’improvviso il vicino menzionato si è piazzato nel mio soggiorno e ci ha chiesto di abbassare il volume delle nostre voci (01:00 di notte da venerdì a sabato sera). Sono semplicemente stanco del dramma e del tipo di odio non verbale verso di noi e gli altri residenti.

Come dovrei rispondere?

Stavo pensando di mettere un biglietto all’ingresso, come risposta alla persona che ha scritto questa breve lettera. Come dovrei procedere?

di staplehook


  1. Calydor_Estalon on

    If the alarm isn’t yours just move on and don’t get involved.

  2. KosmonautMikeDexter on

    No matter the previous conflicts, this is a very sound complaint. 

    If my neighbour/spouse snoozed for an hour with one alarm after the other, I would tabe småkagerne.

  3. nextstoq on

    My family members do the same: set their alarm for 6am and snooze like 3 or 4 times before getting up at 6:45 or something. Why not just set the alarm for 6:45 and get up then?

  4. kindofofftrack on

    In the case of the note – leave it, not your noise, not your problem. If they keep coming to your apartment looking for where the noise is coming from, I’d maybe as politely yet dismissively as possible tell them that they can obviously hear it’s not coming from your apartment, you keep the sound level at what is allowed (assuming that you do) and would strongly appreciate if they would stop coming to your apartment at odd hours of the night and instead try to file a formal complaint if they keep feeling disturbed (again, in the case that you have nothing to worry about. You *are* allowed to live in your own apartment, with all the sounds that come from normal living creatures after all lol). If they keep knocking or letting themselves in for next to no reason, maybe tell them that you’re getting closer to have to complain about them yourself🤷‍♀️ at what point is that kind of stuff chicanery, anyone know???

  5. Big-Today6819 on

    Don’t do anything(show normal respect towards neighboursans redeain from making noisesbetween 11pm to 7 am, friday and Saturday can be later but close windows and if it’s a party move out to town bars then it’s late), but i understand this problem, it’s annoying if people have their alarm making noise for a very long time.

    Lowering the voice/television, etc after 23 pm is also a total normal thing.

  6. HitchensWasTheShit on

    Some of the behaviour sounds weird but you are also being unreasonable. 

    If you read your apartment complex rules you’ll probably see that you should keep noise down after 22-23 ISH, it’s just that a lot of us don’t do it. But those are unspoken gentleman rules. If someone actually has a problem with it, the rules are on their side.

    If the alarm isn’t yours, then don’t do anything. If the alarm is yours but you won’t admit it, then you are the problem.

    Snoozers are loosers, set your alarm to later and get up.

  7. StegtFlaesk69 on

    I feel like this must be my old neighbourhood. His alarm would sound for half an hour every damn day

  8. Be the bigger person, try to limit your alarms and see if that is not the first step to a “godt naboskab”.
    To set hard against hard will not solve this.

  9. ElephantFTW on

    Så flertallet synes, at det er ok, at en nabo med tynde vægge har en alarm kørende i halvanden time i stret. Ikke snooze, konstant kørende. Og at man ikke meget pænt må bede om hensyn?
    (Humlen ligger i en høflig forespørgsel for mig, og at alarmmanden sikkert ikke frostår hvor lyder, der er.)

  10. The note is obviously not for you then, so no reason to respond.

    Also, weird of your neighbor to turn up in the middle of the apartment – get mad if it happens again. HOWEVER, shut the fuck up at 1 am.

  11. ChrisKP8 on

    I like how the text size starts really big, and then by the last line becomes almost unreadably tiny

  12. seachimera on

    Is there a noise ordinance for the building and/or the city? The person who wrote the note may have a legitimate complaint here, even if there are no laws to back them up. On the other hand, maybe they need to buy some quality earplugs.

    Don’t write a reply, don’t engage with them. If they keep coming to your door set a firm verbal boundary with them. Do it respectfully but firmly.

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