33 anni fa la bandiera bianco-rosso-bianca è diventata la bandiera ufficiale della Bielorussia. Alcuni fatti su 2 bandiere della Bielorussia e i loro creatori


di HallOwn1946


  1. Common_Brick_8222 on

    Lukoshenko stood in front of a white, red, white flag and promised to abide by the constitution. In a couple of years, he will change the constitution, flag, and coat of arms

  2. External_Green9505 on

    Sad fact about red-white color in Belarus: if some of citizens will decide to wear red and white clothes or to put red and white curtains in their homes not because of political views but just because of design… they will face jail for 15 days…

  3. Then Belarusians allowed their flag to be changed and Russian to become the main language of the country, and here we are

  4. Due-Glove4808 on

    It could be 4th baltic country now but their fate was to become russian puppet state, what a shame.

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