Un anno dopo la pulizia etnica, il mondo arriva in Azerbaigian | Sheila Paylan


di SadCampCounselor

1 Comment

  1. SadCampCounselor on

    This article clearly supports the observations made by u/RavenMFD’s [website](https://akravhistory.com/concerned/).

    National and international governments do not represent working people.

    Let us not forget that Monte Melkonian was a communist who believed in solidarity among working people from all countries. Let us not forget his words:

    >We should recognize that the Armenian people’s fight for national self-determination is first and foremost the duty and task of the Armenian people themselves. We do not believe in benevolent friends, the inevitable triumph of justice, or covertly and cleverly manipulating the superpowers. If we are to achieve national self-determination, then we ourselves, the Armenian people, will have to fight for it. We believe in the power of organized masses and in the capacity of our people to determine their own future. We believe in revolution.

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