Gli inglesi se dovessero scegliere tra comunismo o fascismo

di Woodstovia


  1. Outrageous_Trade_303 on

    Everyone would choose communism I guess. I mean who would want to clean pig shit in fascism and not have an immigrant doing it in communism? :p

  2. “Would you rather eat a plate of rusty nails or cut your own leg off with a chainsaw”.

    What kind of poll is that?

  3. balltongueee on

    I wish we could give people who want to live under fascism exactly what they want… just somewhere else.

    It would probably be the same as the stupid people who went off to join ISIS and then begged to come back… “uhm, this is not what we had in mind!”

  4. echidna_s_tea_pot on

    To someone who lives in a former communist country, it’s mind boggling how people from western countries wish to live under communism….

    I get it, things aren’t great in your country, but communism would make it worse not better

  5. Mekkroket on

    Communism in theory, but in practice my preference would depend on the particular regime. Its ultimately just different flavours of authoritarianism.

  6. Main_Goon1 on

    I’d choose fascism. Living in Franco’s Spain was better for Spaniards than living under Stalin’s rule for Latvians

  7. PatrickSheperd on

    “Would you rather death by firing squad or death by slow starvation?”

  8. PoliticalCanvas on

    >Communism or Fascism

    Potato potato.

    Communism – extremely outdated (ignore intellectual work/products) theoretical ideology.

    Fascism – unstable mix of nationalism (phase of social development) and populism/ochlocracy.

    Both were discredited by Nazism (mixture of fascism and Stalinism) and Stalinism (feudal “nationalism”). Which also was forms of state sectarianism.

  9. AddictedToRugs on

    I need more specifics.  In this hypothetical facism, am I in the preferred ethnic group or am I in one of the scapegoat ethnic groups?  

  10. ClaptonOnH on

    Depends on the regime: 1960s Spain under Franco is not 1930s Germany under Hitler, same for communist regimes.

  11. Time_Inspection_8311 on

    By which guy do you want to be shot? The one in the red shirt or the one in the black shirt?

  12. BalticsFox on

    Would’ve been strange otherwise considering the British experience of WW2.

  13. NoHawk668 on

    How about don’t choose between them? Is that such a crazy idea?

  14. scrooll0706 on

    Communism is worse than fascism, only people who never lived in post communist countries don’t know it

  15. Uninvalidated on

    HAD to chose in capital letters… Looks like somewhere around 50% didn’t anyway.

  16. AdClean8338 on

    I think the problem is people think of communism as in Yugoslav communism, but with Fascism its instantly Hitler and not for example Yugoslavian fascism😅

  17. This poll is useless because there are very different interpretations of what communism is. There’s the definition that came out of the Cold War propaganda which has nothing to do with actual communism and is essentially a straw man that represents any system of government that the capitalist interests in the west wanted to swing popular opinion against. Then there’s the intellectually honest definition of communism of which no state has come close to implementing. It’s impossible to know what interpretation each person that was polled was using.

  18. MiaThePotat on

    Stupid poll.

    It heavily depends on your identity, time, country and leader.

    Living as a white person in south Africa >>> Living as a Ukranian under Stalin in 1932.

    Living as a Han chinese under Xi Jinping >>> Living as a Jew/Roma/Serb under the Ustaše.

    All of em are genocidal maniacs. Question is how genocidal.

  19. r/europe on their way to say how their grandpas were treated good by the “gentleman invader germans” of the brown faction while the reds were savages

  20. HoverbikeLLC on

    You may be entitled $500,000 for stealing our Hoverbike blueprints. Donate $500,000 on this LTC Address LTQyEjhYZqYcJdeHEEEsA or we will swat on you and arrest you for 10 years.

  21. Old_Influence8043 on

    It’s pretty much the same thing but fascists dress better

  22. Can you actually have communism in large populations without authoritarianism?

  23. Demostravius4 on

    ITT: People who don’t understand the word ‘had’.

  24. GivMeBredOrMakeMeDed on

    I love how all political discussions these days seem to frame everything within this duality of communism and fascism when we’re *literally nowhere near communism*.

    Plain and simple, it’s a false dichotomy.

    We don’t have to choose between either. But because everything is framed in such binary terms, we’re a lot closer to *genuine* fascism than we are to either real communism or the one from the imaginations of Farage et al.

    There are no communist MPs. There are no major communist parties. There are no communist news corporations that operate at any scale. We will *never* be a communist country.

  25. Josh13Hs on

    Would you rather lean forward an inch to get out, or backwards an inch

  26. Away-Activity-469 on

    I’d like to see the poll re-run with rephrased questions:

    Communism where you’ll have a nice life but your house will go down in value.

    Fascism, you’ll have a miserable life but your house value will rise.

  27. urano123 on

    Almost 50% of young people would choose the most genocidal ideology in history…someone explain it to me?

  28. ButterscotchSure6589 on

    Really it’s about which system is more likely to murder you if you try and keep your head down.

  29. Bman1465 on

    Who even comes up with these polls anyways? This is a stupid question

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