Sondaggio Irish Times: il costo della vita è al primo posto tra le preoccupazioni pubbliche per il bilancio

di norodaisy


  1. howsitgoingboy on

    Here, even car insurance specifically, surely there’s a way to make that cheaper?

    Can we make dash cams mandatory or something?

  2. fedupofbrick on

    I just want to be able to socialise with my friends be it in a cafe or pub and not feel like i need to get a loan out to do so.

  3. Storyboys on

    The government need to stop allowing its citizens to be fleeced by private organisations but sadly there is no political will to do so.

    Fine Gael in particular would prefer capitalist greed to run wild rather than looking after the need of citizens.

    Housing and healthcare have collapsed in this country due to putting the greed of vulture funds, developers and private hospitals/insurers first.

  4. Willing-Departure115 on

    “Which one of these issues, if any, is most likely to influence your vote at the next general election?”
    1. Cost of living 32%
    2. Health 16%
    3. House prices 16%
    4. Immigration 12%
    5. The cost of renting 8%
    6. The economy 6%

    And several other issues not immediately marked on their chart.

    Given “cost of living” is explicitly detached from housing costs (to buy or rent) you can see why the government is on 50%+ in polls. Government can roll out another energy credit and so on to help with cost of living for everyone secure in their housing.

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