Il neonato muore dopo che la mamma esausta è stata rimandata a casa appena quattro ore dopo la nascita

di Ok-Swan1152


  1. 3106Throwaway181576 on

    My hatred of the NHS came when my wife gave birth to our girl, and the way she, a Med student at the time, was treated.

    Instead of being by her side, I Literally had to spend the bulk of the birth fighting for Med staff to give her attention, to take her pain seriously. We hope to have another, and will hope to use a private hospital for it. Genuinely disgusting maternity care in ‘Duh Envee Ov Duh Wurld’ system.

    It’s women without a partner or parent or friend to speak up for them who are most at risk. We were fortunate that between her background and me being confident with them she got the attention she needed. For many others, women alone, or with partners not confident enough to push back on ‘the professionals’, it’s scary.

  2. englishgirl on

    That poor mum and baby 💔 The mum is living every parents worst nightmare.

  3. maaBeans on

    Wife had both of ours at home.  I had my reservations but her train of logic was that she’d rather have a midwife turn up and when needed and be let in a safe environment she knows and our nearest hospital was 45 mins away with few maternity places and the nearest after that is 90 mins away and was the Lucy letby hospital.  

     After hearing some of the horror stories from the newborn group, I was fully in support second time round. Less complications, it’s not the environment I would pick tbh. 

  4. KeldornWithCarsomyr on

    4 hours is quite normal if there was no C section, and I don’t think there’s a postpartum mother who isn’t exhausted.

    No mention of the father so I am assuming it’s a single mother? Bit too quick to blame the hospital I think, plenty of preventative things could have been done.

  5. mysticpotatocolin on

    me and my partner are planning to have children soon and i’m terrified of having to do it on the NHS. considering saving up and going private but ultimately what does that do? these stories are all so horrific

  6. Shas_Erra on

    My wife gave birth at the same hospital under similar conditions: 23hr labour with complications. They were not in any hurry to get us out the door and were allowing new mothers to leave when they felt they were ready.

    Makes me wonder what has changed

  7. MrKeenski on

    Oh no that poor mother and baby. My heart is broken for them both. My sincere condolences to the family.

  8. Its_All_Me on

    My wife and I have had two children both in NHS hospitals and they have been amazing births. Mid wife’s were amazing I cannot fault them.

  9. thespanglycupcake on

    This is horrific, but to blame the hospital is wrong. If there are no complications, there is no reason why mum has to stay in hospital for a long period after birth. Yes, new parents are tired. It comes with the territory and it sucks but being exhausted is not a reason to be in hospital, particularly when there are lots of other patients. I had the opposite experience because hospital wanted me to stay a second night to help with feeding and I wanted to go home because I was exhausted! Sleeping in the hospital was basically impossible with all the noise and a newborn. Saying that an apparently healthy newborn would be ‘monitored’ while mum sleeps in hospital also seems odd – we were basically left to our own devices unless we asked for help. There is support if you ask for it but they aren’t checking on the baby every 5 minutes purely so mum can sleep.

  10. bandson88 on

    Sorry this is not an nhs failure, the mother fell asleep on her… tragic but not the fault of the NHS

  11. JCSkyKnight on

    “The baby and her parents were discharged home 4 hours after the birth – at 8.39am.”

    Sadly it was probably poor communication on this point. Medical staff probably felt there was an adequate support network in place but for whatever reason she ended up on her own with her baby and exhausted.

  12. Shot_Laugh_2163 on

    Doesn’t surprise me. Maternity care is shit and many midwives are ideologically opposed to the so-called medicalisation of “natural birth” that used to kill women and babies regularly.

    An obstetric consultant once told me that if you have a laparotomy (open abdominal surgery) for any other reason than a c section, there is no way someone would insist you take sole care of a newborn baby and make your own toast/drinks within the hour.

    It was her way of explaining how shit and sexist maternity care is vs. care for other patients.

  13. ghostlyusr on

    NHS have been getting more and more useless these last few years. They will only help you if you are dying, not when you are in pain they couldnt care less now they lettin babies die wtaf is happening with this shithole of a country

  14. djhazydave on

    Holy shit that’s horrific. Both of our kids were born at that hospital, the first in very similar circumstances but pre-Covid. What an absolute tragic failure from the hospital.

  15. SubstantialSide5498 on

    I thought you could easily fund the NHS with all that brexit money ?

  16. PushinButtons- on

    I had multiple seizures last year. The first time it happened my partner thought I’d had a stroke or heart attack and I was rushed to A&E. I was kept in hospital under observation for 3 days.

    The hospital realised it wasn’t my heart very quickly. Despite not drinking, smoking or taking drugs I was treated like a junkie. I was at the lowest point in my life not knowing if I was going to die or not. It was clear by the way doctors and nurses were speaking to me they thought I was a drug addict taking up a hospital bed that could have gone to someone more deserving.

    After more seizures, months of tests, MRI scans etc I was diagnosed with epilepsy and put on medication.

  17. Lanky_Flower_723 on

    I’m a doctor so I’m sympathetic to lots of the systemic issues at play here and frankly appalled by some of the shit advice of “just have your baby at home” in this thread.

    However, what kind of fucked up system doesn’t let an exhausted brand new mother have a few extra hours or a day in hospital with a little bit of support?

    Also, I was under the impression that breastfed babies were supposed to be established with feeding before discharge?

  18. For both of my births, I paid for private care. The way it worked was that I had all my appointments before the birth with my Obstetrician Consultant at our local private Spire hospital (I had met him previously in the NHS when we lost a baby), and when I went into labour I had his personal mobile number to inform him, and he then met us at the labour ward in our NHS hospital, where he also worked as a highly respected senior Consultant.

    Having him with us all the way through 2 very difficult pregnancies was very reassuring and totally worth the money we spent on his care. At the time, we could afford it because of our jobs and looking back I would do it again if I was able to.

  19. MaleficentSwan0223 on

    I was at this hospital and had some incredible pregnancy care (couldn’t have asked for much more) but after we were discharged and sent home. We refused to go because something didn’t feel right. 12 hours later baby collapsed and ended up in neonatal but eventually recovered and is doing well now. Had we gone home we might not have been so lucky. 

  20. sbaldrick33 on

    That mother has to live the rest of her life with the thought that she killed her baby because of some fucking quack.

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