Numero di filiali Starbucks in Europa.

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  1. EchoVolt on

    By country doesn’t tell you much unless you break it down per capita or per 100,000

  2. BlackLightRO on

    Why are there so many Starbucks in România, compared to many other countries?

  3. Educational_Ad_8820 on


    Currently, there are 57 Starbucks locations across Switzerland. The company is planning to expand, with 30 new locations expected to open in 2024, potentially bringing the total to around 80-90, depending on profitability

  4. MacHayward on

    Bizarre how popular SB can be with high prized less then average coffee.

  5. High-Tom-Titty on

    UK is up to 1260 now. Surprising because their coffee isn’t great. I found during the lockdown I can make a better cup just using an Aeropress

  6. ProfitHaunting9744 on

    Starbucks is more like a status thing in turkey, same holds for iphones there

    no smart person takes out a loan to spend on overpriced stuff

  7. Didn’t have a clue there were 25 in Portugal. I think i saw one in the airport and more 2 lisbon. If they all disappear tomorrow, no one will miss them.

  8. AmerikanischerTopfen on

    There are 15 Starbucks in Vienna alone. This has to be old or inaccurate.

  9. Sa-naqba-imuru on

    Starbucks opened in Croatia ages ago and closed because Croats drink coffee sitting down.

  10. Middle-easty on

    Sweden only 3 in the whole country? Damn what they drinking else, Mojitos? Lol

  11. behOemoth on

    I never understood the popularity in Turkey. It was also not a coffee nation 1 to 2 decades ago. Coffee was only serves as dissolved instant coffee or well the known Turkish mocca.

  12. No_Raspberry_6795 on

    One more death knell on native British Culture. One I wasen’t aware of.

  13. crappy_ninja on

    It’s depressing that a company can make so much money with a shit product and good marketing.

  14. Western-Edge-965 on

    There are so many Starbucks in Central London you can be stood in one and see another.

    There are probably more Pret A Manger tho.

  15. I don’t get the people drinking coffee there. And don’t understand how people are daring to call this a coffee ?

  16. I am surprised there is even 3 star bucks in Sweden and 4 in Finland. Random small time cafes is extremely common and you can find coffee to be served just about everywhere.

  17. barryhakker on

    I bet 99% of people who talk shit about Starbucks coffee wouldn’t be able to pick it out of a blind tasting.

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