Debito nazionale al 100% del PIL per la prima volta dagli anni ’60

di topotaul


  1. OpticalData on

    This must mean we’ve built a national health care system and have been engaging on extensive large scale building and infrastructure projects for the last decade right?



  2. Holly_Till on

    For a country as big as the UK, the deficit isn’t a huge problem, it’s much better to have working services and a higher debt than an ok debt and shit services

  3. chronicnerv on

    The real elephant in the room is that Asylum seekers and Migration are the main reason that its is only 100%. They offset the elderly in terms of age and births and after initial help they are more likely to setup a local business and add to the economy, not to mention the skilled labourers, health care workers and technicians.

    Meanwhile lets cut funding to our education…

  4. milkyteapls on

    Well at least it can’t go higher than 100%… thank the Lord

  5. iamezekiel1_14 on

    How could Jeremy Corbyn destroy this country in 78 days? Genuinely. It so wouldn’t have happened if we’d just done a proper Brexit that the people actually voted for and made Nigel PM.

  6. crazypotter50 on

    Over 100 billion wasted on benefits n scrounging immigrants n then billions wasted on climate bull💩 n billions wasted in foreign aid to countries who hate the west anyhow n dumb lefties keep saying pay it n give them more got to love the stu pid

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