David Lammy scatena una disputa diplomatica con un post sul blog sulla crisi in Armenia


di MindHead78


  1. Possible-Pin-8280 on

    Armenia has literally been there for thousands of years, its difficult to imagine how people couldn’t be on their “side” when it comes to what is a rather small territorial claim.

  2. He’s still got some way to go before he equals Boris Johnson, though.

  3. bitch_fitching on

    Yep he was using standard English.

    free (a place or people) from enemy occupation

    In this case a place.

  4. ParkedUpWithCoffee on

    Is this the Labour Party’s official position? That 120,000 Armenian Christians being ethnically cleansed from their homes by Azerbaijan is “liberation”?

  5. Old-Aside1538 on

    Inspector Clouseau = Lammy

    Chief Inspector Charles LaRousse Dreyfus = Starmer

  6. Well, at least he’s consistent when it comes to supporting mass ethnic cleansing of areas people have lived in for hundreds of years…

  7. OpticalData on

    ‘Sparks diplomatic row’ =

    >Alicia Kearns, the conservative MP and former chairman of the foreign affairs committee/Mark Movsesian

    A Tory MP and US professor complained. The latter on GB News.

    Standard Telegraph misleading nonsense

  8. subwaymegamelt on

    I don’t think I’ve seen a party win by such a landslide and then immediately do everything they can to make themselves as unpopular as possible in such a short time, we live in funny times. Is this guy really all Labour could muster for foreign secretary?

  9. Lammy is a liability and shouldn’t be anywhere near power.

  10. SojournerInThisVale on

    Promoted literal genocide as a country ‘liberating’ its land is genuinely disgusting. We’re not led by serious people

  11. Perudur1984 on

    Lammy is a poor choice for foreign secretary – a position where choices around what you say and don’t say or what words you choose have such consequence.

  12. UCthrowaway78404 on

    He’s a zionist. Azerbaijan is a huge iaraeli ally and azerbaijan just helped israel assasinate Iranian president.

    It’s always about israel.

    Uk government and opposition is full of people loyal to Israel. They are members of friends of israel.

    Imagine if those MPs were paid by the EU and were members of friends of EU. Just imagine how the media would go after then.

    But isreal gets a free pass with everything.

    People on here pointing out the azerbvajan are bad, turkey are bad. And completely ignoring israel in this mix. Israel helps azerbaijan just as much as turkey did.

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