Zelenskyy: il summit di pace potrebbe porre fine a questa guerra e garantire che non accada mai più


di UNITED24Media


  1. Zhukov-74 on

    A peace summit would require inviting Russia and making some tough decisions.

    I am a staunch supporter for Ukrainian sovereignty but even i realize that the only way this war will ever end is if Russia and Ukraine negotiate a deal.

    This deal obviously won’t be anything like the Minsk agreements, Ukraine deserves security guarantees that can’t just be ignored which is why i’d advocate for Ukrainian NATO membership being part of any deal.

    The fact that this peace summit will likely be held after the US Presidential Election speaks volumes.

  2. DevikEyes on

    That’s what will happen. The war will be frozen. The west will lift some sanctions and start gobbling up russian resources. Russia will attack UA in ten years, the West will make surprised pikachu faces.

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