Un soldato russo si arrampicava dove non doveva e ha pagato per questo


di SlavaVsu2


  1. NiceGuy737 on

    Ukraine should just leave vodka for them and they will kill themselves.

  2. This might take the cake for dumbest way to die in a war ever.

  3. marresjepie on

    Completely and utterly pissed-drunk, by the looks of it… As is to be expected from an orc.

  4. skipnw69 on

    He is probably still lying below that window unless he was lucky enough to snap his neck.

  5. scoobertsonville on

    Landing head first as well, damn. Maybe he should have taken all the weight off

  6. budderflyer on

    He either died trying to get a clothes washer or Svetlana was going to kill him herself if he ever made it home without one.

  7. WotTheFook on

    “The suspense is terrible, I hope that it will last… oh.”.

  8. The second I saw him put his foot on that balcony I was like.

    “Yeah, that thing is going to break and send him falling.”

    Was not disappointed. Seriously, that thing was loose as hell and looked moments away from falling even without the guy resting his body weight on it.

  9. plaidravioli on

    I guess all those news reports about Russians falling out of windows are accurate.

  10. McCool303 on

    I hope he survived the impact to suffer like the innocent Ukrainians he’s made suffer.

  11. lonelyronin1 on

    I guess he didn’t feel important enough to assume someone else would help him fall out of a window, so he had to do it himself

  12. Most-Earth5375 on

    Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does what ever a spider…. Oh

  13. 6.2 score, looks like he’s not going to make it to the medal round.

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