Lo stemma del Belgio è di primo livello


di sanandrios


  1. ItsLenTastic on

    Reminds me of the Lannister banner of GOT, only with a golden lion on black instead of red.

  2. Spiritual_Goat6057 on

    Seems we are the only ones capable of drawing a lion and Poland is the only other one capable of drawing an animal.

  3. historicusXIII on

    Top tier? It’s one of many boring lions.

    I like the ones that are quite simple (not Austria though, that’s too simple) but instantly recognisable as national symbol. Ireland, Croatia and Slovenia stand out to me.

  4. ClearlyVaguelyWeird on

    Why are almost all of these animals left facing? Does that have special meaning or something?

  5. prolificbreather on

    Top 10 for sure. Though a couple ones are markedly better. 

    Personally I find Spain to be S-tier for historical reasons.

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