Dee Snider: In memoria di mio nonno ucraino che dovette fuggire dall’occupazione russa del suo Paese nei primi anni del 1900, invio questo messaggio e invito ogni paladino della libertà a non permettere mai più che ciò accada!

di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. FiscalCliffClavin on

    Dee is such a positive force in this world. He stands against injustice and rocks without missing a beat.

  2. deductress on

    This is a great way to honor your grandfather! Great way to revenge Russia 100 years down the road! Russia wronged what it thought small people, but there – is America. It is here where small regular people gain a large voice of consequence, even in death.
    What a great story. Never forget.

    ..Really, how is Russia planning to put all of this back in a can?

  3. SacrificialPigeon on

    It’s almost like ‘Were not gonna take’ it was written for Ukraine. Dee is a legend, A wise and articulate man who stands up to injustice. Twisted Sister fought hard for their fame with grueling tours. I never knew he had Ukrainian blood in him, Kind of explains the fighter in him.

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