Gli indici di popolarità di Keir Starmer torneranno a crescere, insiste Angela Rayner

di JayR_97


  1. ImNotSuperMan1996 on

    Yep really popular taking away winter fuel payments for the elderly which he himself said would cause deaths to fund a proxy war with Russia.

  2. FossilisedHypercube on

    /uj His popularity and that of Labour in general is less important, I think, than economic and social stability

    /rj “We’ll regain trust gradually, but not before we vote on the National Service (for the over 65s) Bill and debate legislature for the enforced daily serving of tinned sprouts. These are tough decisions and yes, I understand that I’m lucky to be able to heat my yurt which is made from puppy skins”

  3. Able_Archer80 on

    The fact she even felt compelled to say this so early on in his Premiership is telling.

  4. denyer-no1-fan on

    Haha wasn’t it a few days ago that Starmer had to say he’s in control?? Why are they saying stuff like this? They sound like they are a government on their last legs, not a newly elected one

  5. maureenmaguire on

    Unfortunately the acceptance of clothing and spectacles were a spectacular ‘ Own Goal ‘ for Labour and not what members like myself expected but let’s move on now and learn from it.We know the right wing press will be looking for anything to discredit the government even though the Tories were corrupt with no moral compass.There is a lot to do and let’s get on with it,I say this as a lifelong Labour party member, pensioner and old fogey.Also have a think about the fuel allowance for those of us on the cusp of not poor enough for benefits but not rich enough to not have to worry about it.

  6. samsung-65-smart-4k on

    Bring back the tories. at least i expect them to be corrupt.

  7. TokyoBaguette on

    Yeah if you could stop your Dr DOOM impression that would be great. Fanx.

  8. rattlee_my_attlee on

    tbh we’ll probs see another cameron situation in 2015,

    growing dissatisfaction with the government, starting early on with austerity measures and student tuition fees,

    but with the help from lib dems being destroyed and snp-lab coalition being likely, he edged thru to a maj from a minority position,

    alot can happen but i feel for many moderate voters unless the tories have turned things around massively or reform somehow make themseleves appealing to the electorate beyond their base, many seats will stay lab, a lot less probably but likely a healthy maj

  9. Constant-League-2507 on

    I won’t be voting Labour again, or Conservative either. This country is completely doomed. Incompetent leadership through and through.

  10. geekroick on

    People bounce back. Rolf Harris. Dennis Hopper. There are others.

  11. yellowrainbird on

    He’s never been popular to begin with, bounce back from what lol

  12. Emmanuel_Karalhofsky on

    Democracy is nothing but Marketing for the Global Elites: The Bilderbergers.

  13. Cyanopicacooki on

    Regardless of the rights or wrongs, the optics of taking money away from pensioners – in the minds of most folk pensioners are old grannies with a one bar electric fire – whilst at the same time having a 6 digit salary and a grace and favour mansion in the centre of London but getting tens of thousands of pounds in clothes, holidays, executive boxes, are horrendous.

    The Tory leadership were vile, and Starmer trumpeted loudly about them accepting favours, helicopter rides and the rest whilst the country starved. Now they’re wiped away, he is starting to appear like an entitled hypocrite.

  14. BluishLookingWaffle on

    “People were so tolerant of the tories being corrupt for so long, I can’t see them being mad about the tories lite being corrupt too”. If Angela Rayner was honest.

  15. XenorVernix on

    Good luck. What’s the plan, tax everything and everything in the first year, continue fiscal drag until the year before election day and then suddenly say they’re the party committed to lowering taxes on working people in efforts to get re-elected? The Tories tries that and it didn’t work.

    I think it’s time we replace both of these parties as they are clearly out of touch with voters. Reform UK is the natural alternative to the Tories, but who do the left have? The Lib Dems would likely be more of the same and the Greens would be a disaster. Time to change the system to PR I think.

  16. Not_A_Rachmaninoff on

    Labour has inherited so much shit and it’s only been 8 weeks. Everyone needs to calm tf down and realise the harsh measures required to revive our country

  17. Outred93 on

    I voted Labour this year with gritted teeth. Honestly, I voted because the Tories f*cked sh*t up so much I felt obliged.

    Never again. I get the “cant fix it overnight” bullsh*t, but it’s time for both Labour and Tories to crash and burn into irrelevance. Neither group has what it takes to truly address and fix the issues we face.

  18. All depends with the October budget and how they try and fix the NHS as well as matters that the nation actually care about.

  19. Remember how few people actually voted for him in the first place.

    That said, any new government was going to have to come in and make some difficult choices. I always suspected he’d have a dip early on. Then, in theory, you should be able to show your progress as it gets to election time. Not within 12 weeks.

  20. Dedsnotdead on

    You weren’t very popular in the first place but given the incredible mess that the Tories made of everything and the callous dishonesty they displayed you were the supposed to be the least worst choice.

    Let’s not forget that you received 33% of the vote.

    Still, good to know you are all well dressed for the occasion thanks to your “Office Costs”.

  21. Jose_out on

    Hilarious how Reddit went from blaming the tories for all their woes to Starmer.

    He’s been in a couple of months and has done a solid job. Popularity has inevitably fallen as he’s being honest about the current state of things and the public don’t want to hear that.

  22. creativename111111 on

    They’ll be ok as long as they sort their shit out since British voters have a severe case of short term memory loss and will have forgotten about this in 6 months (unless the press decides otherwise which they probably will)

  23. Disco-Bingo on

    When he came in, all boring, down to business, like the civil servant he should be, I honestly was glad, felt like we had someone finally there to do some actual work, but all this gifting stuff has wiped any notion of being for the people/politics has changed away.

    He should quickly stop all gifting, like we see in so many other jobs and industries, he should say that it is all a bit stupid, and he should go back to putting the electorate first.

    Saying he’ll stop accepting clothes is ridiculous. Makes it somehow sound worse.

    Rayner should know all this. Being sent out to do his bidding and defend his popularity, when he doesn’t even like her is weird.

  24. TurbulentBullfrog829 on

    ” Rayner described herself as a “yimby” on a national level”

    Wtf does that even mean? Everyone is a “yimby” on a national level. That’s what nimby means.

    They don’t help themselves do they

  25. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    >*“Rachel wanted Dorneywood, I’m happy for Rachel to be using it. It was never an issue … I’m sure Rachel will let me go and visit Dorneywood if I want to. The idea that we’re going around fighting about mansions or whatever else … ”*

    Politicians are just self serving let’s be honest.

  26. Vanobers on

    Lol not when you keep acting like the people you replaced! Popular decisions Keep being missed by this government

  27. west_country_wendigo on

    We’ve all become very addicted to politics. It’s a few months into a 5 year government.

    Everyone needs to chill out.

    We did, what, two weeks of news cycle on wealthy retirees no longer getting free holiday money, and another week on one of the most important people in government being paid a vaguely competitive professional salary.

  28. TesticleezzNuts on

    Pretty sure he wasn’t that popular to begin with. He’s always been a Tory with a red tie to me, I only voted Labour because of my pure hatred for the tories.

    He doesn’t represent me whatsoever, there isn’t a candidate who gives a flying fuck about LGBT rights or the rights of those at the bottom trying to claw there way out of the shit.

    He just got lucky that the tories truly fucked up time and time again and there was literary no alternative.

  29. Green-Taro2915 on

    I hate to say it, but this is not the PM the country voted for. Everyone (and I mean everyone that their out it) just wanted rid of the conservatives and Sunak. This is a protest prime minister, so we got exactly what that. He was never capable of being prime minister. We just couldn’t handle more of the conservatives!

  30. Calelith on

    Maybe, they need to take a page from the tories and make sure with every cutback or difficult decision that they remind people this is because of tory problems.

    I don’t get how the Tories spent so long cutting funding for everything and yet we are still having to make cuts to stuff to ‘balance the books’.

  31. PantsTents on

    £30 p/h NMW inc? Cause if its not that I think she speaks the Bull-Shit.

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