Qualcuno sa molto di questo libro? Dove è stato stampato e a cosa è servito? Ci sono diverse edizioni con anni diversi in fondo, a parte questo sembrano per lo più uguali, il contenuto è di formule matematiche.
di dreadedone1
We call this a “Tafelwerk”. It’s a book of formulas, tables, constants, units etc. of the natural sciences. Back when there was no wikipedia you had all that stuff in a handy book.
Maybe it’s smart to ask a Swiss sub as both Wetzikon and Rüti are towns in the canton of Zurich. – So that’s where the book was printed.
Such books are usually used in school and university. They get reprinted because they usually fall apart after a few years of use in class and may be edited a bit, but other than that, they don’t get changed a lot, since the math stays the same.