I russi rivedono le loro posizioni dopo essere stati visitati dai droni ucraini “Dragon”


di CaptKeemau


  1. TurkishLanding on

    They should go improve their own shit country instead of trying to steal their neighbors’ countries. 

    The free world needs to stop Putin and his insatiable greed for what belongs to others, now, by overwhelming force.

    Until that happens, you and I can help Ukraine’s urgent defense by donating immediately to https://u24.gov.ua/

  2. thisismybush on

    Two things, one, very nice of them to show how effective these are, and two, all their garbage is burnt so less to clean up once Russia has been kicked out.

  3. Vaperwear on

    Now was this video before or after the attack? Orcs are such unhygienic slobs, that I really can’t tell.

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