Nelle prossime settimane potrebbe essere concesso il permesso segreto all’Ucraina di lanciare missili all’interno della Russia

di Electricbell20


  1. Electricbell20 on

    Looks like Storm Shadow could be doing the job it was designed for in a few weeks.

  2. MelodicPreparation93 on

    If everyone knows Ukraine are going to be given permission. What exactly is the secret?

  3. CrazyWelshy on

    Hey Russian bots, does Putin like being in the storm’s shadow?

  4. most_crispy_owl on

    So government. Is someone on holiday right now so they’ve postponed the meeting? NHS administration style.

  5. afungalmirror on

    I didn’t realise that was the sort of thing you asked permission for.

  6. inevitablelizard on

    Great news if it happens but lol at the “secret” part given Ukraine has been asking for this for ages and it’s been constantly talked about for months.

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