Rivelato: i parlamentari hanno accettato più di 700.000 sterline in omaggi e ospitalità l’anno scorso


di Ok_Guest7276


  1. rocc_high_racks on

    A thousand and change per MP is actually commendably low. I’m all for getting money out of politics but I reckon this is actually very low for a country with an economy the same size as the UK.

  2. True-Horse353 on

    Hey new rule, the monetary value of any gift received is taken from their paycheques.

    Edit: MP downvotes :C

  3. alpharedditor5 on

    Politicians can always do whatever they like with zero repercussions, that’s why they’ll continue to claim gifts. Everyone loves a freebie.

  4. zeelbeno on

    “Conservatives received tickets paid for by the water industry”

    Explains a lot…

  5. MonitorPowerful5461 on

    So that’s less than a thousand per MP. A rich kid gets given more by their Grandma at christmas.

    It’s clear to me that publically recognised gifts are not the problem. Analyse by whether MPs are favouring certain organisations/people/corporations, not whether they’ve been given small material gifts.

  6. Serious-Teaching9701 on

    No more donations or gifts for mps and no second jobs in private sector!

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