Angela Rayner promette case dignitose e sicure per tutti nel discorso alla conferenza laburista

di GeoWa


  1. DinoKebab on

    Great pledge that will never get close to being fulfilled.

  2. inside-outdoorsman on

    Incredible that this statement from a government minister constitutes news… how low have our expectations become

  3. Spare-Reception-4738 on

    Shame she can’t pledge the infrastructure to go with it like schools…. The law allows developers to avoid contributing to costs in order to protect their profits

  4. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    She’s full of BS, but because she’s working class and from the North, she gets a pass.

  5. deadmeerkat on

    Why just for those in the conference? or are you telling me the independent doesn’t hire quality writers/proofers?

  6. HistoricalConstant57 on

    I’m sure her and Starmer will turn up in the latest fashionable clothes for the ceremonial cutting of the ribbon if any of this plan comes to fruition and it’s not just a way of siphoning more tax payer cash to their own, and their friends’ pockets

  7. D0wnInAlbion on

    They can’t even get their own MPs to provide quality housing.

  8. Shazalamadingdong on

    My area consists of mostly low-income housing, a complex rife with drugs and alcohol issues and a nearby street where most of the properties are owned by a couple of landlords who let the properties go to hell but have nice fancy Airbnb properties a little further away. A YMCA run by a Christian group that houses a lot of vulnerable people nearby that tells its residents to go somewhere else to take drugs (i.e. around our buildings instead). They’re renovating a historical building a little further up the road and it’s good to see the building being used for something. Then last week someone mentioned it’s for people with drink and drug issues. Suppose they like to keep it all in one place! Sheesh.

    I’m going to guess more of the same from Angela but I really want to be wrong.

  9. ProlapseProvider on

    Bullshit, who the fuck is going to pay for it all? Or are they hoping to cut money to old people and also tax them all, get them to die sooner and then tax inheritance money to the hilt while getting an empty home in the process?

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