“Truffa e scandalo”: l’ex responsabile degli aiuti lancia l’allarme sui contratti di asilo dei conservatori da 4 miliardi di sterline


di ClassicFlavour


  1. merryman1 on

    No no no, don’t worry about this, its all over now, focus on the Prime Minister being bought a couple of tailored suits, that’s much more important.

  2. haphazard_chore on

    We need to ring fence the entire aid budget for the UK. It’s time for China to step up seeing as they’re the new empire rising and we’re apparently insignificant these days.

  3. BestButtons on

    > They state that expertise on spending and monitoring aid has been dismantled periodically since 2020, when the DfID was placed inside the Foreign Office by Boris Johnson. **“The result was, as intended, a comprehensive destruction of the structure, skills, accountability system and processes which had been fundamental to DfID’s ability to spend a large budget well to achieve the development outcomes ministers had decided to prioritise,”** they write.

    I wish the people responsible could be prosecuted, but since that’s unlikely to happen, I dream that people who have been robbed (tax payers) will make them pay by never letting them near political power again.

  4. Honestly a lot of this won’t change and won’t matter whose in charge, Tory, labour, lib dem, monster raving loony party if the wastrels throughout the civil service bureaucracy are not held accountable, for example out of date PPE is something any competent warehouse manager can solve but the civil service, wait no blame parliament.

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