1. Psychological-Bee760 on

    World needs to understand Putin is a liability to Russia and the rest of the world and act accordingly

  2. ffdfawtreteraffds on

    Thankfully, the Russians no longer have Ukrainian engineers to use for their nefarious intentions. And with the invasion-related exodus of smart people, hopefully this capability deficit will last for decades.

  3. Boredengineer_84 on

    It’s interesting that Ukraine is using its brain and ingenuity

    The Russians are using meatwaves

    Ukraine must prevail and survive

  4. exquisitehaggis on

    Surely the right thing to do in this situation is for Ukraine to manufacture one and send it straight to Putin for inspection…

  5. d4rkskies on

    It might also have something to do with the growing number of Russian scientists (nuclear, rocket, physicists etc) jailed over the last 10 years…

  6. caveTellurium on

    Not sure I understand. Ukraine makes ICBMs ?
    Or was Ukraine the part of USSR before Independence that manufactured ICBMs ?

  7. OkArm8581 on

    ruzzia can’t do shit without Ukraine. That’s why they want it so bad.

  8. PotatoAnalytics on

    As pointed out before, Ukraine provided the brains for the technology of the USSR. Moscow was the butthole that made everything shit.

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