Inghilterra e Galles perdono 50 pub al mese nella prima metà del 2024, mostrano i dati

di insomnimax_99


  1. marxistopportunist on

    Transporting liquid is energy intensive

    We’re trying to transition from abundance to scarcity

  2. No-Wind6836 on

    Yes, the answer to this is to ban smoking in pub gardens.

  3. yourlocallidl on

    Don’t worry, another Pret/Greggs/Vape shop will take its place.

  4. TeflonBoy on

    Is anyone surprised? No one can afford it. We all weep for our loss of historic public houses.. yet we do everything we can do prevent the very next generation from being able to afford drinking or eating in them.

    We deserve this.

  5. Feeling_Pen_8579 on

    Not a surprise this place is becoming an increasingly miserable place.

  6. Wolfen1982 on

    There used to be 10 decent pubs within walking distance of my house (say 15 years ago). Now I’ve got one real ale microbrewery, the old cricket club and a pizza bar that’s full off wankers every night. The pubs that used to be there are now multi occupancy residential, vape shop, a couple of shit takeaways and a polish supermarket. 21st century (nothern) England

  7. SeaweedClean5087 on

    Not surprising. I’m a higher rate tax payer and can’t afford to drink in my local any more. It’s nearly £7 a pint. I’m actually not paying higher rate anymore because I quit my job in June. I’d stopped calling in for a few points way before then though. Drinking in pubs, especially in cities, just isn’t affordable any more.

  8. damrodoth on

    I mean ideally pubs have no place is modern British anyway. The pub ‘lads’ tend to be very Islamophobic and pubs are a hotbed for Islamophobia. Even just there being so many pubs has undercurrents of making the country unwelcoming to Muslim immigrants who are strongly against drinking on religious grounds. People who complain about this need better things to do with their time

  9. Pubs are a huge part of our culture and should be protected/use encouraged. They are a great social hub for smaller communities

  10. shaun2312 on

    If the drink was subsidised like the Government’s is, I’d probably visit more often

  11. BaBaFiCo on

    Absolute travesty. This country needs more third spaces for people to socialise. And it isn’t even that pubs are unviable in a fair market place – they’re paying disproportionately high business rates (in England), getting held over barrel by greedy offshore PubCos, and getting ready to be hit again by nanny state intervention with duty rises and outdoor smoking bans. Nevermind all of the other factors, like rising costs, that they share with other businesses.

    Any other country would try to support such an iconic industry (that contributes £34bn to the economy and employs 1million + people). But in Britain we seem to want to let them suffer.

  12. Top_Opposites on

    These are rookie number, labour wants to double down destroying this industry

  13. We were chatting about this a few days ago (ironically while at the pub).

    Over the past twenty years several pubs in my town have closed. But in that time several others have opened so now we have more than we did originally. The town has grown a fair bit in this time so you could argue that per head we have lost out. However thats not really the case.

    Most of ones that closed were small, they were all old style ‘boozers’, did not serve food, were not historically significant in any way, a couple were flat roofed monstrosities and none of them were what you would call family friendly.

    The new ones are generally much larger, all serve food, all are family friendly, we have gained lounge style bars, modern pub/restaurants and a sports pavilion. There is a lot more variety and we have more of a choice in what we can do.

    I dont think the town we live in has lost out. In fact it has gained overall. But thats not the case everywhere. There is a village pub that we used to walk to a few times a year. It was always fairly busy when we visited but a couple of years ago it closed down and is now a house. That village no longer has a pub.

  14. porspeling on

    People will complain but I’m sorry there are more than enough pubs about in this country. Even a tiny village with no shops will have a pub or two.

    Yes costa have increased but also drinking culture is on the decline and that is only a good thing overall.

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