Incontrati per “resettare” le tattiche di fermo e perquisizione per ricostruire la fiducia con la comunità nera di Londra

di tylerthe-theatre


  1. DramaticWeb3861 on

    Stop and search is obviously racist, cant be because one demographic commits more crime

  2. imminentmailing463 on

    Eminently sensible, given the evidence about its limited effectiveness and how it damages attitudes to the police.

  3. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    Seems like a bad idea to me.

    I know it’s politically a popular move but with the amount of kids and teens in London carrying knives, etc, it seems like it could be a bad idea.

  4. HorseBarrierRoad on

    Stop and search works. That’s the fact.

    What’s missing is demographic crime statistics for each force area.

    If the majority of street crime and knife crime is committed by young white men in a forces area, that is who they need to be targeting.

    If it’s young black men then that’s who must be targeted.

    It will vary by force.

    Publishing those stats will leave nowhere to hide. Either a demographic is targeted because it needs to be or it’s being targeted due to racism. The data will make that clear to all.

  5. EddieEliabethHltler on

    It’s as if a certain community disproportionately commits more crimes then cries racism when something done about it.

  6. stinkyjim88 on

    To honest seeing how small some police officers are now days probably unsafe for them to do it lol

  7. Neither-Stage-238 on

    they have no trust from any community because they dont stop and search.

  8. EliteCakeMan on

    Stop and Search everyone, whenever there is a need.

    If white people did the most crime I’d say search them more, if black people feel hurt their community commits lots of crime, then they should stop it as a community rather than encourage it.

  9. XenorVernix on

    I feel like we’ve been here before. People will be complaining about an increasing rate of knife crime next and demanding the police do more.

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