I proprietari rischiano di non poter affittare case che non siano efficienti dal punto di vista energetico


di ohell


  1. Do not see an issue with that.

    About time they did some maintenance and the gov brought up standards

  2. Greenawayer on

    That’s going to really remove a lot of houses / apartments from being available.

    That would force rents up dramatically and make it even harder to find a place to rent.

  3. Powerful_Room_1217 on

    So if I was renting a home that is now not energy efficient what should I say to my landlord to sort it out?

  4. wkavinsky on

    >by 2030

    That’s . . . conveniently outside the next election cycle.

    Why not make it 2028, which is within the cycle, so you can be judged on it?

    4 years is still plenty of time for landlords to make the improvements.

    >The Conservatives originally planned to reach the deadline by 2028

    Even the fucking Tories were OK with the target being at the end of an election cycle, ffs.

    Also, why the fuck are we **subsidising landlords** with the costs of this?

    >A consultation is expected later this year, which is expected to include a cap on the amount landlords will have to spend on upgrades. This was set at £10,000 under previous plans and Miliband is expected to stick with a similar figure.

    If you can’t afford the cost of running your business, sell up, and let either (a) someone who can afford the costs rent it out, or (b) a family buy it as, you know, a family home.

  5. slowtrucking on

    100% not happening. Incentives for improving efficiency and disincentives for none efficiency for sure but in no worked would there be a ban

  6. Dark_Akarin on

    Assuming it’s a staged introduction of the ban, that would be good. Landlords would either improve the efficiency of the house or sell it.

  7. huntsab2090 on

    Another great move from labour. Im loving how they are hammering the greedy multi home owning bastards

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