Ciao ragazzi, volevo condividere un paio di foto di questa estate alle Lofoten. La Norvegia è fantastica!

di Musqulu


  1. assblast420 on


    Sir those are houses. Except the first one which is some kind of storage unit/industry-building.

  2. Contundo on

    Retro is modern in an old design, these are just old, in their original design. A 70s lamp is not retro, a 2020 lamp in a 70s design is retro

  3. Audience-Opening on

    Huts..that’s kinda rude. Those are normal houses man. One of them looks just like the one I grew up in. (Except the fisherman storage house in the first pic)

  4. lord_nuker on

    Nothing retro or huts about those. They are regular Norwegian houses, some newer than others, but none of them are retro.

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