Il piano di vittoria di Zelenskyy non è stato condiviso con il Times

di UNITED24Media


  1. Headline is relevant, because

    > Earlier, The Times reported that it had reviewed the victory plan, which President Volodymyr Zelenskyy intends to present to US President Joe Biden, and that it includes four points, one of which is the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ Kursk operation.

    So they lied? Or something leaked…

  2. Babylon4All on

    I mean duh. It absolutely shouldn’t be shared to anyone outside of those who need to make it happen. I honestly hope not to hear about it until after they achieve their victory. 

  3. CriticalBath2367 on

    Is there a link to a Times article which says they reviewed this plan?

  4. ukrainianhab on

    I wouldn’t be sharing it with the USA either but whatever

  5. Circusssssssssssssss on

    It was shared

    Yeah, it was shared

    Don’t tell anyone 

  6. Nocta_Novus on

    Dear NYT editor in chief,

    A map with a bunch of red arrows pointing towards Moscow doesn’t constitute a “victory plan”, and I suspect you’ll never actually see it so whatever your reporter claims to have been given is probably to get him to leave the room and stop asking,

  7. Morta-Nius-73 on

    That’s because most of the UK rags (yes, I include The Times in this batch), are basically owned by RuZZia if you follow the real ownership….

    Zelenskyy knows. He should use the western media to throw shade over what their real intentions are. If I was him, I wouldn’t share a single ounce of his victory plan with anyone, and just run with it.

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