1. newnortherner21 on

    I’d be concerned that some people would capture them and want them as pets, or try to claim a dog is a wolf to use as a threatening weapon. So it would need some careful controls and management.

  2. nosdivanion on

    No. You have to realise how small this island is and how little truly wild space there is. Even if a couple of wolves could live and breed undisturbed for a couple of years, within a short space of time, they would run out of room, come into conflict with people, and end up being hunted.

  3. FrozenFire_00 on

    It took 14 years to get rid of them, let’s at least wait for the next election…

  4. Tartan_Samurai on

    This has been talked about for years. Baswhen they say ‘The UK’, the mean the Highlands. Basically a part of the UK with hardly any humans and hundreds of miles of empty open space. I think it’s a good idea and hope they eventually go though with it.

  5. EdmundTheInsulter on

    No because in no time some idiot would just want to kill them all, as with badgers, seagulls, pigeons, foxes, squirrels – people just want to kill these animals, even for as little as noise (seagulls)

  6. JosiesSon77 on

    No they bloody well shouldn’t.

    That’s all we need 🙄

  7. Yes predators are and essential part of any ecosystem. They are generally scared of people and tend to keep their distance. The only negative I see are conflict with farmers and people with pets.

  8. Harmless_Drone on

    We need more people to hunt and eat deer.

    People do not realise what a pest they are. They eat young trees and strip bark so any rewilding schemes are doomed to failure while deer levels are high as they are. Previously bears and wolves, and hunting, kept them in check but that’s no longer the case so the population continues to explode.

  9. UnlikelyTwo7070 on

    Yeah why not, turn empty fields into forests and put the wolves there.

  10. AssignmentNo7636 on

    Am I missing something in the comments section? We live on less than 10% of the land in this country. Wolves will stay where it is coldest. They are talking the Scottish Highlands, where there is plenty of land.

  11. prustage on

    Personally yes, I thin k it would be good to re-introduce them to the highand areas of Scotland.

    But in practice no.

    It will just give the DM and other papers the chance to headline “Starmer’s Loony Left puts children’s lives at risk!” Well get an exclusive interview with some woman who saw a wolf on TV once and is now traumatised and “its cases like these that are bringing the NHS to breaking point. Think of the Children!!”

  12. borodan90 on

    We have been identified as one of the most ecologically deprived countries in the world . Yes they should , deer numbers are at unsustainable levels and we effectively have to cull them . Wolves will take care of it naturally for us and their populations will rise and fall at sustainable levels that is reflective of deer populations at the time

    Less people coming into the country and a greater control of the human population, less building of houses on greenfield sites and more wilding of our countryside . That is what ought to be happening . Cities build upwards , not outwards

  13. HorseBarrierRoad on

    Yes! Wolves are the answer to almost all of life’s problems.

  14. rez050101 on

    It always baffles me that the UK has no larger wild carnivores running around. The country has some remote space for it, like the Highlands and the northern part of Scotland. Even here in Belgium we have wolves again, but unfortunately our country has too many roads and cars and from the wolf pack only some individuals survived. I am pretty sure some wolves were killed by people intentionally, there were reports of them in urban areas and some sheep getting killed. I always hated that so many larger animals were butchered and massacred by humans in the 1800s.

  15. bateau_du_gateau on

    Yes. Wolves, bears, lynxes, dragons, unicorns, let’s have them all.

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