Scholz: gli attacchi a lungo raggio contro la Russia “non sono in linea con la mia posizione personale”

di UNITED24Media


  1. This guy is such a disgrace. Sorry folks. If I had the keys to the depot, you’d get a bunch of Taurus for free just to make up for Scholz’ inexplicable Kremlin-cowardice.

  2. Sharp_Variation_5661 on

    Germany politics got an habit of fucking up Europe.

  3. A_Blue_Frog_Child on

    lol personal position? Russian isn’t attacking you personally. So who cares about your personal position. The question is do you believe nations have a right to sovereignty or not? If not, continue.

  4. OkResponsibility3380 on

    You serve the public not your self….

    Fuck your “personal position”

    Long range strikes are way overdue…

  5. Able-Project3614 on

    So I guess more innocent civilians dying is in line with his personal position then ? Nice.

  6. Strontiumdogs1 on

    I understand what he’s saying, but it’s not just his opinion that counts.
    The European countries that are involved should make it a majority decision.

  7. Opposite-Chemistry-0 on

    Coward. We Finns do not set any limits to Ukraine. And we share border with Russia.

  8. Problem is I don’t know if Merz would/will be any better…

    But Scholz is such a spineless and uninspiring head of state, it is embarrassing. 

  9. He’s still hoping Ukraine can be bleed and lead to the negotiation table.

    Scholz would have prefered a Ukrainian surrender. He took personal offense, when Zelenskyy refused to abandon his people, which is why he didn’t come to Kyiv. Germany refuses to lead the defense of Europe and their perceived importance and pride wont let anyone else take charge.

    Germany really should stop divvying up Europe with russia, but they can’t help themselves.

  10. Worlds_Humblest on

    His favorite personal position is doggy style, unlubed.

  11. Sallandstrots on

    When I read this, a song from Rammstein comes to mind: Bück dich.
    I’m not yet sure if Scholz screems this to Ukraine or someone shouts this to him.

  12. GarlicThread on

    So tired of this pathetic cowardice. Get out the way if you cannot govern.

  13. Fuck this coward.

    However, the only important country here are the US. France/GB already have given their authorization for Ukraine to use SCALPs/Stormshadows as they please but some components require US authorization unfortunately.

  14. Capital-Driver7843 on

    Germany once had leaders… EU is suffocated by bureaucratic machinery driven by elderly politicians. He is afraid of AFD and does everything to please their voters but instead he is projecting weakness. The AFD voters want to see strong and determined hand that solves all the issues not a puss in boots…

  15. lawrotzr on

    This is only one of the reasons why the President of the EU Commission shouldn’t be German. It’s such a shitshow.

  16. Easy_Apple_4817 on

    Could Scholz be waiting for USA to give the go-ahead on long-range missiles being used in Russia before he gives a similar approval?

  17. Heidrun_666 on

    German here and as much as I can stand behind many other things Scholz says – this is a no-go.

  18. Half-Shark on

    Why even say that? What does it achieve other than help legitimize Putin’s grievances and allow him to manufacture more outrage?

  19. Bubbly-Carpenter-519 on

    you give in to the boogy man with nukes pretty soon you’ll be giving in to the boogy man under the bed and the boogy man in the closett and so many other boogy men

  20. PuzzledRobot on

    I wonder how he’d feel if Germany was attacked and Britain, the US, France, or Belgium decided that they weren’t totally comfortable with Germany retaliating.

    Ukrainians are dying. The Russians are doing it. Any position other than actively helping the Ukrainians murder the Russians is cowardly at best and evil at worst.

    Screw you, Scholz, you dirty fucking cabbage.

  21. Jack-Tar-Says on

    Sadly he’s not the only one.

    Truth is the western leaders who matter, aren’t allowing Ukraine to win. All they’re subscribing to is allowing the use of advanced weapons to be used on Ukrainian soil, to kill Ukrainian’s.

    They won’t allow Russia to receive the same (for clarity I’m referring to hitting Russian military targets, not the civilian populace).

  22. Grand-Consequence-99 on

    Next week: Olaf: We need to do more for Ukraine. What a worm.

  23. Antaiseito on

    “We have strong reasons for that” he says? What are these?

    What a disgrace sitting in cozy germany, thinking we will never be in a position to need aid, so we don’t need to help others be as safe as us.

    Destroying russias ammunition before it reaches Ukraine is the best thing i’ve read in a while. How can you not approve of that…

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