La Russia prevede di aumentare la spesa militare a 142 miliardi di dollari

di Mil_in_ua


  1. Kan4lZ0n3 on

    When you live in a fantasy land, you can dream up whatever troop and budget numbers you want to project as part of a narrative.

    Reality, like gravity, brings such ambition crashing to Earth.

  2. 2FalseSteps on


    Considering the state of their economy, could that even buy a Big Mac? A real one, not Vkusno & Tochka’s rotten meat-like knock-off.

  3. blackcyborg009 on

    “Time to reduce the budget for building hospitals and more schools” – Vladimir Putin, probably

  4. _DaveyJones_ on

    I wonder what percentage increase that is in real terms? With the state of the Russian economy: exchange rates, exhange fees, import difficulties and spiking wage bills means that the budget needs to increase by a significant amount just maintain the production and staffing levels of the previous year.

  5. Leather_Lake_5235 on

    Good, the more they spend the poorer they get and faster they fall.

  6. Capital-Ad2469 on

    They can increase it to whatever they want, but every single billion spent on their pointless war just hastens the end of ***their*** regime.
    This is what they don’t understand because they *really* are that dumb.

  7. Futurismes on

    BMP-3 designed in 1987 and a photo of a tank made in 2023. I wonder how much of the budget will go to actual production and how much will stay in the oligarch pockets. Just spend nothing and use it to immediately pull back from Ukraine.

  8. IAN4421974 on

    That’s a big number, but is that with the graft, theft, and poor workmanship factors baked in ?

  9. wombat6168 on

    That will go down well this winter when heating systems etc start breaking down due to lack of maintenance

  10. I feel like we’ve seen this story before, it ended with the dissolution of that country.

  11. Striking-Giraffe5922 on

    Surely they won’t spend it on Russian weapons…..maybe if they ask nicely we’ll sell them our old shit

  12. Theblokeonthehill on

    No problemo. Just print more money. What could go wrong?

  13. In the next 24 months, I believe Russia will experience hyper inflation especially if their oil and gas infrastructure gets decimated.

  14. HouseDowntown8602 on

    Nothing like borrowing billions to loose it on a no-win endeavour

  15. Jolly-Implement7016 on

    It’s inefficient and corrupt, so basically 35 billion.

  16. Fiveofthem on

    Putin might want to remember this

    How why did the United States win the Cold War?
    Ronald Reagan recognized the Soviet Union and its allies as having bankrupt economies, but Mikhail Gorbachev’s rise to power secured victory for the US during the Cold War because Gorbachev realized that the command economy of the Soviet Union had become more like a developing country than the US

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