L’esercito ucraino adatta un multirotore pesante per trasportare un cane robot


di Mil_in_ua


  1. MikeinON22 on

    This stuff is even better than sci-fi! Can they put an AK-74 on the dog somehow? Imagine 1000 multicopters dropping 1000 fully-armed robo-dogs 20 km behind enemy lines in the dead of night.

  2. Brilliant-Important on

    But now every time somebody picks up a drone controller, the dog runs to the door and piddles….

  3. ScottyMac75 on

    Ukraine keeps on innovating ways to wage war and keep their people alive. I can foresee forces dropping 5 or 6 armed versions of these ground dogs behind Russians entrenched in a tree line or dropping them into a trench line to support advancing infantry.

  4. Smooth_Imagination on

    One idea I’ve had is using these to drop rocket mines such as the German Parm, and adding a servo and aiming system, camera and a tripod. These would be dropped ahead of enemy movements. The lift multicooter would stay with these on the ground, operate the weapon, then fly off with most if the expensive electronics to be reused.

    Alternatively, the ultimate but more expensive system would be an NLAW. But other guided rockets are possible, wire and laser.

    The NLAW flight calculator and optics can be adapted to be reused. If Ukraine were building their own, they could do this, slashing the cost of each. NLAWs calculate the flight path to be programmed into the missile, based on optical measurements and range finding, then use simpler detection when over the target, such as magnetic fields. The multicopter would stay with the weapon on the ground, then fly off with optics and servos leaving the tube and a spent battery behind. If you were to allow it to operate using relay drones it can be manually designated, and use object tracking, if not, AI object recognition could do it, but also it can be steered from a reconnaissance drone, and then terminally guided by laser from the same reconnaissance drone as well. This may also relay to a ground operator to manually control the drone on the ground.

  5. Responsible-Bet-237 on

    I’ve been waiting to see these puppies in action, hopefully will see some videos soon.

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