L’agenzia di stampa del Cremlino Ria Novosti definisce Călin Georgescu “il candidato allineato con la Russia”
Ciao 👋 qualcuno può aiutarmi a scoprire chi erano i genitori del mio bis bis nonno? Magnus Johnson. (E se siamo parenti fatemelo sapere!)
haha2lolol on 25/09/2024 12:45 Okay. Can you recommend it? Was it fun? How big is it, is it easy to get to there with public transport? I like the dog and all, but maybe give your post some surplus value by telling us about it.
1 Comment
Okay. Can you recommend it? Was it fun? How big is it, is it easy to get to there with public transport?
I like the dog and all, but maybe give your post some surplus value by telling us about it.