Quali sono alcuni esempi di falsi amici tra macedone e bulgaro che si scrivono esattamente nello stesso modo?


di Old_North8419


  1. From the top of my head трудно/трудна. I think in Bulgarian it means difficult, while in Macedonian it means pregnant.

  2. sileksce on

    Лук in Macedonian: Garlic
    Лук in Bulgarian: Onion

  3. love_eloquently on

    Мивка makes me laugh every time. It means whore in Macedonian and in Bulgarian i’ve seen it as part of “автомивка”, meaning car wash.

  4. markohf12 on

    МК: Лихва – Extortion (criminal/illegal term for unfair loans)
    BG: Лихва – Loan (totally legit banking term)

    Walking to an ATM in Sofia and banks have posters like “EXTORTION 3%” and I am like WTF????

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