Avete appena inviato un camion carico di strumenti tecnici e forniture mediche in Ucraina.


di UFL_Robin


  1. UFL_Robin on

    Now that everything’s been delivered…

    You guys just sent a WHOLE lot of stuff to Ukraine. **Hooboy.**

    You sent a Bundeswehr truck from Germany, loaded with various engineering tools, to the 91st Separate Okhtyrka Support Regiment.

    The truck has a whole new engine, also supplied by you. Less than a week before it was due to leave 🇩🇪, our mechanic discovered that an important seal was missing, and the engine was basically about to eat itself. Our procurement wizard, Arcaist, heroically found, bought, and helped install that engine, saving our delivery schedule and saving our driver from a nasty breakdown. (Take that as you will.)

    You also sent about 250 lbs / 113 kg of medical aid to:

    Renegade Relief Runners
    A hospital in Kharkiv
    The 35th Marine Brigade
    A National Police brigade unit
    Two separate units with the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade

    Oh, and the person who drove it all in? It was u/firecopscott. One of you. 🙂

    Nice work, y’all. Thank you. ❤️

    You guys are so unflaggingly generous when it comes to the dedicated fundraisers we do. But it’s your generosity with non-specific donations that enables us to replace truck engines on an emergency basis, for example. Or pay for gas to drive them halfway across Europe, to the guys who need them. Or say “Yes!” instantly when a newly formed unit needs 30 CATs. Those are the donations that (literally!) keep the wheels turning. [If you’d like to keep the general wheels turning, you can do so here.](https://givebutter.com/support_UFL) We thank you.

  2. Firecopscott on

    It was an honor.

    As an noob to this, I was gobsmacked by the amount of work u/UFL_Robin and Arcaist put into everything.

    Everything we can contribute helps. Thank you all for your generousity.

    Слава Україні!

    Героям слава!

  3. Tchaicovsky on

    Amazing work!!

    I had a little giggle when I saw “fruit rollups” and “reeses pieces” listed amongst the serious medical supply items.

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