Il Regno Unito aumenta le spedizioni di artiglieria AS90 in Ucraina: 16 unità da consegnare

di Mil_in_ua


  1. super__hoser on

    “The Government is set to surpass its commitment to deliver 12 AS90 artillery guns within 100 days of taking office, with 16 units now on course to be delivered.

    It is reported that 10 self-propelled artillery systems have already been delivered, and six more to follow in the coming weeks.”

  2. noir_lord on

    It’s a good system.

    That brings our total given to our Ukrainian allies to around 36 (plus a bunch of non-funcs for spares) which isn’t a huge amount but is ~1/3rd of the total we had in service (we only built 180 back in the 90’s to start with and some got cut/upgraded/used as parts).

    Secondary to our requirement to support Ukraine we *really* need to unfuck our defence stance/industry.

    We produce really good stuff and then either buy 3 of them or refuse to export them or do export them but because of economies of scale not at the same price as competitors, iirc we replaced the gap our Ukrainian bound ones left with Archers (the swedish system, not long bows :D).

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